Phalgar Discover Program
The Phalgar Discover Program is located 2.5 hours north of Bombay in the Palghar District in…
REAL at India Day 2019!
REAL Youth is excited to be at Pioneer square on August 11th for India Day! REAL…
About REAL
REAL Youth to Youth is a youth led volunteer organization dedicated to providing a well rounded…
REAL Youth at India Day 2016!
India Day 2016 was an outstanding accomplishment for our organization! Throughout the day our volunteers worked…
REAL makes 500 Bookmarks for Literacy!
REAL participated in Bookmarks for Literacy through the organization Students Rebuild. The project…
REAL Volunteers Visit PPES
PPES is one of the rural schools that REAL supports and I have been the program…
REAL Presents at Rotary!
REAL had the opportunity to present today at the Lake Oswego Rotary Club. A few of…
Year-Round Schools
According to the National Association for Year-Round Education (NAYRE), over the past twenty years, the number…
276 Missing School Girls: “Bring Back Our Girls”
On April 15, dozens of heavily armed terrorists wrecked havoc on a girls’ boarding school in…